Blazor WASM configuration in an Azure Static Web app

I had a simple enough requirement, to display the name of the current environment in the title of a Blazor WASM web app.

The Blazor code was simple enough:

  "Environment": "local"
@page "/"
@inject IConfiguration configuration

    var title = $"My cool app ({configuration["Environment"]})";



This displays “My cool app (local)” when debugging locally. I want to change it to “My cool app (dev)”, “My cool app (test)”, and “My cool app (prod)” in each environment it gets deployed to.

A couple of things I tried and failed:

    1. Set a value for “Environment” using the “Environment variables” blade of the Static Web App in the Azure portal – hoping that this would override what’s in the appsettings.json. This doesn’t work, as values set here are only accessible for a managed Azure Function hosted on the static web app and not for front end code running in the browser.
    2. I tried setting an Environment variable in the AzureStaticWebApp@0 task like
        app_location: 'src'
        api_location: 'api'
        output_location: 'public'
        azure_static_web_apps_api_token: $(deployment_token)
      env: # Add environment variables here
        Environment: 'poop'

      But that didn’t work.

Eventually I noticed that the Blazor WASM app loads appsettings.json – you can see it in the Browser network tools.
So in my build pipeline I can use the good ol’ Replace Tokens task to replace tokens in my appsettings.json.
Man, that’s a blast from the past, I first used this task about ten years ago!

  "Environment": "local"

  "Environment": "#{Environment}#"

    - task: qetza.replacetokens.replacetokens-task.replacetokens@6
        sources: '**/appsettings.json'

My build pipeline already has a variable called “Environment” so I didn’t have to add that.

I used the same name, i.e. “Environment” in my appsettings.json token and it just worked:

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